Energy-absorbing steering assembly Receiving antennas intercept part of this radiation, change it back to the form of electrical signals, and feed it to a receiver. 能量吸收型转向装置接收天线的装置接收部分电磁波,将其转换回电子信号,并供给一个接收器。
However the conventional encryption technology can only ensure the secrecy of the correspondence content itself. The attacker can intercept IP packets and analyse the header of them, then obtain the IP addresses of the sender and receiver, thus deduce the identities of the correspondent. 而常用的加密技术仅可以保障通信内容本身的秘密性,攻击者可以截获并分析数据包的包头信息,得到发送者和接收者的IP地址,从而推断出通信双方的身份。